(Principal William White sent a letter to John Freshwater on April 14 telling Freshwater he had to remove his Bible by April 16, 2008.)
The Facebook group “I Support John Freshwater” is promoting the event:
“April 16, 2009 marks one year since the Mount Vernon City School Board told middle school teacher John Freshwater to remove his personal Bible from his desk. we are asking students to take their Bible to school on April 16 in support of a teacher/student's right to have and carry one with them to school.”
I attend a public elementary school in Coshocton county and I always bring my Bible to school. I am reading it for AR points. I am on Numbers now. I will be sure encourage others to bring theirs on April 16th too in support of my right to to carry one to school.
I cannot applaud you enough for standing up for whats right and "so letting your light shine before men." God bless you, keep up the good work.... if only we herd more news like that these days. God bless you, Praise the LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But what of the inappropriate context of the Bible? Requisition to kill non-followers (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB), those who bear curiosity (1Samuel 6:19-20 ASV), those children permissibly denominated as "brat" (2 Kings 2:23-24 NAB)
, and those who refuse to kill when situation so commands (Jeremiah 48:10 NAB)? Must they all die? And must this be beheld under the eyes of students and our children?
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